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We are guided by the highest ethical principles and our main objective is to offer our Clients a service of excellence, protecting and guaranteeing their interests in all stages of the Process.

We carry out a specialized follow-up, making a rigorous and exhaustive survey of all factors that include the acquisition of a property, from the verification of the situation of the property registration to the granting of the deed of purchase and sale.

Currently, real estate investment in the country is divided between the acquisition of properties for housing, for investment and / or the acquisition for resale and for tourism.

Given the various benefits offered by Lusitanian lands, whether in terms of climate, global location, gastronomy, landscape, culture and others, Portugal is considered one of the best countries in the world to live and / or invest in (In:

Our work is carried out permanently with dedication and with the experience of trained professionals, which motivates the confidence and security of customers.

Among others, we help with the following services:

  • Support in expatriation;
  • Assistance in the purchase of real estate;
  • Obtaining the Portuguese fiscal number;
  • Assistance in opening a Bank Account in Portugal;
  • Monitoring throughout the negotiation process;
  • Budget preparation with the estimation of all costs and charges arising from the Purchase / Sale;
  • Gathering and analysis of all documentation related to the Property;
  • Report with the legal situation of the property;
  • Drafting of the Promissory Purchase and Sale Contract and, if necessary, signing it (power of attorney);
  • Drafting of the Final Contract, scheduling the respective Public Deed of Purchase and Sale, follow-up and / or representation, Oral and written translation;
  • Registration of the Title of Acquisition of the Right to Property near the Land Property Register and Financial Department;
  • Request of contracts with the service supply companies (water, electricity and / or gas);
  • Request for the payment of the IMI tax by direct debit if that is the wish of the client;
  • Register / Changing of ownership of boreholes and septic tanks near the Portuguese Environment Association;
  • Touristic Licence;
  • Lending Agreements;
  • Lease Agreements for housing and / or commercial purposes;
  • Exploration contracts / annulment of exploration contracts;
  • Real Estate Mediation Agreements.

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